Discernment & Positive Faith: The Path to Inner Peace

Positive Faith: The Path to Inner Peace

Discernment is not just a tool but a guiding light helping us navigate through the myriad practices that claim spiritual truth. The essence of this journey is to distinguish between genuine, positive paths that lead to happiness and inner peace, and those that veer into the dangerous territories of deception and misguided focus. As a faith-based, nondual counselor, this journey delves into the essence of guiding clients away from damaging paths and steering them toward genuine pursuits of inner peace and spiritual fulfillment

The Pitfall of Religious Exclusivity: Hatred vs. True Christian Values

One of the first pitfalls discernment highlights is the danger of religious exclusivity — the belief that one’s faith is the only right path. This is prevalent in all religions due to a lack of knowledge. This misguided focus not only harms the essence of the religion but also misrepresents its true values. For instance, the misguided hatred of certain groups contradicts the core teachings of love, compassion, and self-reflection that Christianity embodies.

The Reality of Dangerous Practices: Doomsday Cults and Suicidal Sects

In the spectrum of religious practices, discernment becomes a crucial safeguard against extreme and dangerous ideologies, exemplified by doomsday cults and suicidal sects. Recognizing that not all religious paths are equal prevents falling into the trap of overlooking the potential harm of certain practices. There will always be one church or another preaching armageddon, these are examples of false teachings. There will always be some new age or Eastern spiritual path that advocates for the necessity of a “dark night of the soul”. Be discerning!

Guardrails Against Extreme Practices

In the role of a coach, discernment becomes the guardrail against extreme religious practices, offering protection to the psyche of clients. By acknowledging that not all paths are equal, individuals are empowered to avoid the dangers posed by extreme ideologies such as doomsday cults and suicide sects, or beliefs in a wratrhful punishing God over perceived sins. The deceptions of misguided practices are many. Recognize that positive faith practices focus on the love of the divine, while misguided paths are fueled by the ego’s deceptions. Even the suffering of ascetic practices are ego driven, not divinly ordained.

Between Extremes: The Necessity of Discernment

The heart of the message is found in discernment’s role between these extremes. Acknowledging that not all religions are the same doesn’t mean dismissing them altogether. They are NOT all tru, they NOT all false, nor is “just one” the only true example. Belifes and mmindsets such as these are a huge mistake. Rather, call for discernment — a careful examination of each practice. In this middle ground, wisdom is born, leading us to the understanding that positive religious practices focus on the love of God, while misguided paths, often fueled by the ego’s deception, can take us down painful and damaging roads. Fear, hatred, and unessesary suffering is the only result of these misguided paths, and I include not only doomsday cults here, but also less extreme spiritual or religious practices as well.

One common example, is a pseudospiritual concept of “purging” emotions. This is not supported by the Bible, by the Vedas or by the Bhagavad Gita just to name a few tried and true spiritual texts. The concept is part of new age sprituality, and likely stems from the repression of puritan and stoic cultures, but beoynd breaking the initial shell of stoicism purging serves no purpose, and it leads to more and more purging. A bottomless pit of evemore volatile emotions. If the focus is wrong it can not simultaneously be right. s A spiritual path shuld always steering a seeker away from practices endorsing unnecessary suffering or depression, and guide them steadfast towards positive transformation, inner peace, stability, and joy in the easiest and most fulfilling way possible.

Deception and the Dark Night of the Soul: A Damaging Dead End

As an example of psychologically harmful beliefs and practices we’ll dive into the concept of the “dark night of the soul” Discernment unveils its potential as a damaging dead-end path. It’s results can be depression and suicidal ideation. A false path can never lead to a true result, the path was wrong from the beginning and the destination is equally wrong. The truth lies in recognizing that religious practices should never endorse unnecessary suffering or depression. Instead, discernment guides us to paths that offer positive transformation and of course, a deep connection with God. The same sentiment applies to spiritual practices that inflalte the ego and advocate for narcisitic pursuits such as some law of attraction beliefs. The ego’s role in genuine spiritual practices is pivotal, and a deep examination will reveal the false from the true.

The Stigma of Positive Practices: Overcoming Misrepresentation

One of discernment’s critical roles is dispelling the stigma attached to positive religious practices due to the misguided actions of a few individuals. By discerning the essence of these practices, we can separate the genuine pursuit of happiness and inner peace from the misguided actions of a minority. We must overcme our beliefs and bias and seek for the truth.

Wisdom through Discernment: Embracing Positive Paths

In essence, this message underscores the importance of discernment as a gateway to wisdom. Through discernment, we recognize that positive religious practices focus on leading a positive life, and the love of God, while deceptive paths may sound tempting due to the ego’s deceptive powers, but in the end, lead only to disappointment or worse. The call is not to throw the baby out with the bathwater but to discern the genuine pursuit of truth, goodness, and inner peace within religious beliefs. If there is any deception, walk away.

Coming Out From The Pit Of Desception:

If you have been going a path of pain, I hope tha today you will chose to come out of it. The belief in endless suffering as a spiritula path is false, created and maintained by :”the deceiver”.

Here’s a list fof helpful affirmations focusing on promoting emotional stability, rejecting the idea of a bottomless pit of purging emotions, and steering away from concepts like the “dark night of the soul” that can lead to depression and unesseray suffering. Find some that resonate wiht you, wherever you are on your journey, and cling to the promises of the power of goodness, love, and a clear mind.

Emotional Stability:

  1. “I embrace emotional stability and balance in my spiritual journey.”
  2. “My emotions are a source of strength, guiding me towards inner peace.”
  3. “I acknowledge and process my emotions with wisdom and stability.”

Rejecting the Bottomless Pit of Purging Emotions:

  1. “I am not a bottomless pit; I am a vessel of strength and resilience.”
  2. “My emotional well-being is abundant, and I am not defined by any perceived emptiness.”
  3. “I am whole, complete, and the divine fills my vessel with the light of love.”

Challenging the Dark Night of the Soul:

  1. “I reject the concept of the ‘dark night of the soul’ and embrace the light of divine peace within me.”
  2. “My spiritual journey is marked by growth, not by unnecessary suffering.”
  3. “I choose a path of light, love, and understanding over the darkness of despair.”

Affirming Spiritual Alignment:

  1. “I align my spiritual practices with love, compassion, and clarity.”
  2. “My spiritual journey is guided by divine wisdom, leading me to fulfillment.”
  3. “I am on a path of spiritual alignment, rejecting any concepts that lead to harm.”

Choosing Positivity:

  1. “I choose a positive and uplifting spiritual path.”
  2. “My spirituality is a source of joy, not a source of pain.”
  3. “I attract and embrace positive energy in my spiritual journey.”

Honoring Genuine Practices:

  1. “I recognize the value of genuine religious practices that promote love, compassion, and inner peace.”
  2. “Authentic spiritual paths contribute to my well-being, and I honor their positive impact on my life.”
  3. “I discern the authenticity of spiritual practices and embrace those that align with truth and goodness.”

Avoiding Generalizations:

  1. “I refrain from generalizing all spiritual practices based on the misguided actions of a few individuals.”
  2. “Each religious path is unique, and I approach them with an open heart and discerning mind.”
  3. “I see beyond stereotypes and acknowledge the diversity within spiritual beliefs.”

Discerning Wisdom from Misguided Actions:

  1. “I discern the wisdom within genuine religious teachings, differentiating them from misguided actions.”
  2. “Wisdom guides me to recognize the depth and authenticity of true spiritual practices.”
  3. “I navigate through the complexity of beliefs with discernment, seeking the genuine essence within.”

Acknowledging the Healing Potential:

  1. “Genuine spiritual practices have the potential to heal, uplift, and guide me towards inner peace.”
  2. “I discern the transformative power within authentic spiritual paths that lead to positive growth.”
  3. “I remain open to the healing potential of genuine religious practices that align with truth and goodness.”

Cultivating a Discerning Heart:

  1. “I cultivate a discerning heart that recognizes the authentic intentions behind genuine spiritual practices.”
  2. “My discernment guides me to embrace practices that contribute positively to my spiritual journey.”
  3. “I trust my discernment to lead me towards authentic spiritual paths that resonate with the core of my being.”

Rejecting Suicidal Ideation:

  1. “I am a receiver of God’s love, he needs me here, and my purpose is ordained by his goodness.”
  2. “My spirit is resilient, I am divinely needed, and I reject any thoughts that lead to self-harm.”
  3. “I choose life, light, and love over any darkness that attempts to cloud my mind.”

Affirming God’s Ordained Purpose:

  1. “I trust in God’s ordained purpose for my life, a purpose filled with love, joy, and fulfillment.”
  2. “God’s plan for me is unfolding with divine precision, bringing blessings and abundance.”
  3. “I align my actions with God’s purpose, allowing His love to flow through every aspect of my being.”

Anointing of Jesus:

  1. “I receive the anointing of Jesus, a sacred blessing that fills my life with grace and purpose.”
  2. “Jesus’ anointing empowers me to walk his path of love, compassion, and divine connection.”
  3. “With Jesus, I am equipped to overcome challenges and experience spiritual abundance.”

Choosing Light Over Darkness:

  1. “I choose the light of God’s love over any darkness that seeks to cloud my spirit.”
  2. “In God’s light, I find clarity, peace, and the strength to navigate my spiritual journey.”
  3. “I am a vessel of divine light, dispelling any darkness that attempts to overshadow my path.”

Affirming Joy in the Spiritual Journey:

  1. “My spiritual journey is a source of joy, aligning with the divine purpose ordained by God.”
  2. “I find joy in the presence of God, and my spirit is lifted by the light of His love.”
  3. “Every step on my spiritual journey is infused with the joy that comes from connecting with God.”

Rejecting Negative Thoughts:

  1. “I reject any thoughts that suggest pain and suffering are inherent to spiritual growth.”
  2. “My mind is guarded by the truth of God’s love, dispelling any negative beliefs about my journey.”
  3. “I choose thoughts that align with the positivity, love, and grace offered by God.”



Living Wellness Manifest (Dr Anna)
Living Wellness Manifest (Dr Anna)

Written by Living Wellness Manifest (Dr Anna)

Thoughts, discussions and sharing of the universal mysteries of being human here and now

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