If You’re God, Who Are All Those People, and Why Are You Stuck in Traffic?
Thoughts on twisted Law of Assumption logic…
If You’re God, Who Are All Those People, and Why Are You Stuck in Traffic?
In the spiritual teaching arena of late, and occult teachings of the past, and Law of Assumption coaching of the 2020’s fly by night coaches who have no background in coaching people, and no orior education in any mindfulness modality, confidently claim, “I am God.” Everytime I hear it I want to ask: -But did you rise the sun this moorning, or was it just there?”
BLet’s hit the brakes and ask some obvious questions, honestly now. It doesn’t quite add up — we didn’t create ourselves, and we certainly didn’t conjure up the universe. If you sincerly think that you did, prove it by creating another universe right now, right next to this one so that we can see.
The Issue:
Let’s cut to the chase — the problem isn’t ONLY about denying a deep connection with a higher power., God It’s also about questioning the idea that every Tom, Dick, and Harry is literally “God.” Let’s be real. We’re connected to God, yes. A divine aspect of everyone is accessible with enough introspection, and it’s tied to our knack for imagination. Just like Neville says. This coinceides with legitimate siritual teachings, including Taoism, Vedanta Christianity, and more. Our ability to shape reality is like a hotline to God’s awareness. YES that part is very real. But hold up — just saying words doesn’t give us god-like powers, like magically opening up a new freeway lane when you are stuck in traffic. IF you think that you are God, in place of God, and EVERYTHING is JUST your imagination, no one else exists outide of your mind, and you are the LITERAL God, I have a challenge for you, and please use your cellphone to record this: The next time you are stuck in traffic, speak another lane into existence. Prove your point, otherwise, lets; use sanity while understanding manifesting by focusing our minds, it is a great power. This power can easily become megalomania, but it doesn’t have to. You can have sanity, AND be a powerful creator.
For those uncomfortable using the word “God,” for whatever reason you might have, religious trauma, or you are just a rebellious child at heart and you WON’T recognize THAT WORD…yet…. I suggest the word “creator”. It is a straightforward alternative: “creator.” It nails down the idea of a something involved in creation, and this makes everything that is NOT creator, the created. The creation. This is taken straight out of Kabbalah, something that Neville clearly studied. The creator and the creation are distinct from one another, uet obviosuly and intricately, and LOVINGLY, connected. the creature, that is us, the humans, are created in the creators image. As his image, we sometimes grow to big for our britches, and we think we are the creator. We DO create, but we are the “creature”. The point thought is to choose a name that’s specific, steering clear of generic terms like “universe,” which water down the divine importance, and as you can clearly see, the universe is part of creation, it is not the creator. This allows for the mystery to unfold within you.
Maintaining Reverence:
Let’s keep it real. Spiritual talks should be respectful, recognizing the profound nature of the divine. Forget the word games that water down the significance of a higher power, “The universe” is just NOT a word that encapsulates the CREATOR of the universe….as an example….. You have a divine essence in yourself, it is way more magical than just “space dust”. You can sense it sometimes. If you imagine that you are space dust, you feel lost, if you feel that you are God’s beloved child, you feel found. Why rob yourself of the profundity of being so loved, so meant to be, so necessary for God’s plan? Practice feeling devotion, as best as you can, to develop the divine connection within. Practicing an arrogant attitude will do the exact opposite of what you want, it will cut you off from experiencing any kind of divinity. If you simply CAN NOT do this, seek for a stillness within as best you can. If you are still not able to do it, pet a dog. Start where you are I guess. Better yet, spend time in prayer, this is the best practice to discover your inner devotional center, but don’t pray just repeating words, or begging for things, pray as if you are confessing everything to someone you really love. Do you think that this will somehow make you not able to manifest? IF you are not God, and it turns out that people DO have free will, does this wreck your ability to live your life to the fullest? No. it does not, if anything it should enrich your life.
My point:
Words matter. Claiming “I am God” creates and fosters arrogance with creates a wall between your emotions and your divine mind and heat. The more you say it the less you become “like God”, and more and more like a big walking ego, but on the flip side, practicing an emotion called devotion connects you more and more to the divine consiousness. So you become more like God. If you are unable to practice devotion, instead begin with practicing humility — Humiliy especially when it is a little hard for you to do so. Just try it one time, and see, humble yourself and see what happens inside of you afterwards.
The naming of the Creator
Now, whether you call it “God” or “Creator. or any other name, the aim is to search for and find respect the divine, and to understand where we fit into the big picture. Once you understand this, you will understand why creating has to be harmonious. This aligns with kabbalah, a teaching that was at the core of Nevillle Goddard’s teachings. Like all spiritual teachings, kabbalah has also been used for utter nonsense, such as the way Hollywood uses it . However, the real teachings strive for harmony among the ‘”creatures”(us), and this aligns perfectly with Christianity; “Love thy neighbor”….and so on. If your practice is NOT about loving your neighbor, but rather about “me me me, and screw the neighbor because there is no good or evil anyway.”…. you are not following real teachings you are following A DECEPTION. The deception that you don’t need God, you can just BE God… this deception is as old as time…A common and known pitfall for spiritual seekers dating back to the times of Patanjali, as he wrote about in the Yoga Sutra’s. It is even spelled out for us in the mythical garden of Eden.
“Patanjali warns that pursuit of powers, while forgetting the greater goal of liberation, is an obstacle. If we become preoccupied with seeking powers, there is a guaranteed creation of new forms of attachment and aversion.” It is okay if you don’t understood what that meant exactly, but it is a reference to what happens when our focus is on 3D versus inner stillness.
Of course, the Yoga Sutra’s are written for the purpose of attaining liberation, and it is a sort of precursor to the Bhakti Sutra’s or Sutras of DEVOTION. My point is simply, that in NO legitimate teachings, does “I am God” mean that “I replace God“. There are plenty of famous Guru’s who fell right into these pitfalls, ond one example is OSHO, and another is Bikram. So, megalomania or abuse of others is NOT the goal….This means that “Nobody has free will in my reality” is a DECEPTION.
Neville Goddard NEVER tough this, only coaches who are after your money with empty promises teach you this. Please stay sober-minded while using LOA. Our thoughts ARE intricaltely connected, and this makes it MORE important for us to clean up our own backyard, it is NOT an invitation to drag humanity further into depraved or abusive behavior, even if it is just on a mind level. Why twist this around and make it into another tool to feel better about encroaching on individuals rights? Read the ten commandments or something.
Now that the average Jane and Joe has discovered the powers of manifesting, the pitfalls extends to everyone, not just spiritual sages and Guru’s so the pitfalls are much more numerous and mundane. The spectacular outcome of OSHO’s transgression are hardly going to be replicated in your own life, but on a smaller level, if you act like other people are just puppets in your little universe, there will be a fallout somewheer even if it takes a generation or two.
Here is how to SIMPLYFY the desired mindset, and to skip the megalomania:
- Turn away from your enmeshment in the world/3D/circumstances.
- Keep you mind on God/Creator/Devotion/Humility whatever your capacities are. Call it the stillness within if that helps. Find a way tp make this happen.
And seriously, if you’re God, who are all those people, and why are you stuck in traffic?
Who would you be without that thought?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straightPROVERBS
IF you were that person now, that you are manifesting, would you need to micromanage everyone, would you necessarily need to “be God’? No. So relax.