Plagiarizing Jesus For The Sake of Mocking Jesus?

Living Wellness Manifest (Dr Anna)
11 min readFeb 16, 2024
Photo by Fadi Xd on Unsplash

Plagiarizing Jesus For The Sake of Mocking Jesus?

Yes, this is a real thing. Read this blog to the end to find out how you are being deceived, willingly.

First, let’s look at some straight fax:

1. Ranking from least to most deviation from traditional . Christianity and Judaism:

  1. Orthodox Judaism
  2. Orthodox Christianity
  3. Protestantism

2. Plagiarized And Altered:

Plagiarizing, meaning copying, altering, adding, removing but STILL using the Bibles as a source:

  1. Mormonism (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
  2. Jehovah’s Witnesses
  3. Bahá’í Faith
  4. Rastafarianism
  5. Unitarian Universalism
  6. Certain Spiritual Movements Theosphy etc
  7. Islam

This ranking is based on the degree of deviation each religious group has from traditional Christian and Jewish beliefs, practices, and scriptures, WHILE STILL SHAMELESSLY USING THE BIBLE AS A SOURCE! Imagine if you were writing your thesis at university and you did this, you would get an f and you would be expelled.

More straight FAX

3. Some religions and their date of creation:

(Dates are approximate, not all religions are included)

  1. Judaism (c. 2nd millennium BCE)
  2. Christianity (c. 1st century CE)
  3. Catholicism (1st century CE)
  4. Eastern Orthodoxy (1st century)
  5. Gnosticism (1st to 2nd century CE)
  6. Arianism (4th century CE)
  7. Oriental Orthodoxy (5th century CE)
  8. Islam (c. 7th century CE)
  9. Lutheranism (16th century CE)
  10. Anglicanism (16th century CE)
  11. Anabaptists (16th century CE)
  12. Calvinism (16th century CE)
  13. Presbyterianism (16th century CE)
  14. Baptist (17th century CE)
  15. Quakers (17th century CE)
  16. Deism (17th to 18th century CE)
  17. Rosecrucianism (early 17th century CE)
  18. Mormonism (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) (1830 CE
  19. Seventh-day Adventist Church (1863 CE)
  20. Jehovah’s Witnesses (1870s CE)
  21. Bahá’í Faith (mid-19th century CE)
  22. Unitarian Universalism (1961 CE, consolidated)
  23. Rastafarianism (c. 1930s CE)
  24. Pentecostal (early 20th century CE)
  25. Methodist (18th century CE)
  26. Liberal (political) Christianity (19th century CE)
  27. New Thought (19th century CE)
  28. Theosophy (19th century CE)
  29. Messianic Judaism (20th century CE),( Really, 1st century)
  30. Conservative (political) Christianity (20th century CE)
  31. OTHER Spiritual Movements / New Age / More (various and ongoing)

The disinformation campaign against the authority of the Torah:

A Smear Campaign

The smear campaign does not end with plagiarism which is blatant, and somehow acceptable to society, but it also extends to calling THE TORAH a plagiarized work. Go figure! This is the playbook of NARCISISSM. Throw shade on the innocent party to cover up what you are doing

It’s very important to address concerns about misinformation and antisemitism, especially when it involves the integrity of religious texts like the Torah. Why? Have you not seen what happens when you let the lies flourish?

FACT: Creation stories and other narratives can bear similarities across different cultures and there might be a reason for that that we won’t go into hear.

FACT: There are commonalities among many creation myths, this does not mean plagiarism.

“Presenting work or ideas from another source as your own, with or without consent of the original author, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition, as is the use of material generated wholly or in part through use of artificial intelligence (save when use of AI for assessment has received prior authorisation e.g. as a reasonable adjustment for a student’s disability). Plagiarism can also include re-using your own work without citation. Under the regulations for examinations, intentional or reckless plagiarism is a disciplinary offence.”

University Of Oxford

FACT: The Torah, as a sacred text of Judaism, holds deep significance for millions of people worldwide.

FACT: It contains unique teachings, distinct values, and very specific perspectives on creation, morality, and spirituality

FACT: The Torah’s portrayal of the world’s creation, the relationship between humanity and the divine, and the ethical principles it espouses are distinctive to Jewish tradition.

The smear campaign claims that the Biblical stories are “stolen”, but not so fast. Again, many creation myths bear some similarities, but this does not mean that they are either false, or even borrowed, from one another. Without evidence that any culture stole the creation myth of another, it is nothing but an elaborate smear campaign to bury one religion, in this case, Judaism. To make a case for creation myths being identical is a stretch, they do have SOME similarities, but that is all. Don’t make so much out of it, and instead of getting all information from “some website’ or “some influencer” try getting into the real texts. You will find out all on your own what is stolen and what is not. It is not a secret, anyone can read any creation myth.

Antisemitism and anti-Christ smears go hand in hand

Claims of plagiarism against the Torah are often disguised as a campaign against THE BIBLE, or THE OLD TESTAMENT, and the claims are rooted in a DELIBERATE misunderstanding and a DELIBERATE misinterpretation of historical and cultural contexts.


The act of deliberately making someone believe something that is not true.

Oxford’s Learners Dictionaries

This is actually a deception with pretty high stakes. As a human race, we have seen the fallout of the twisting of THIS specific truth before, and it has ended in genocide. I highly recommend learning about the Torah, by for example … READING IT ….. through and through, front to back, before engaging in any conversations pertaining to the content of the text and how it compares to other, contemporary, religious and spiritual texts.

“Blessed are the peace keepers for they shall inherit the kingdom of God.”

The Greatest Secret Is Out In The Open?

Gnosticism is a complex religious movement that emerged in the early centuries of the Common Era, influenced by various philosophical and religious traditions of the time, including Judaism, Christianity, and Hellenistic mysticism. Its origins can be traced back to the diverse cultural and intellectual milieu of the ancient Mediterranean world, particularly in regions such as Egypt, where different religious ideas and spiritual practices coexisted and interacted.

The term “Gnosticism” derives from the Greek word “gnosis,” meaning “knowledge” or “insight.” Gnosticism emphasizes the “attainment of spiritual knowledge” or “enlightenment” as a means of salvation. Gnostics believe that this knowledge enables individuals to “transcend the material” world.

Constituted in a state of holiness, man was destined to be fully “divinized” by God in glory. Seduced by the devil, he wanted to “be like God”, but “without God, before God, and not in accordance with God

CCC §398

Gnostic beliefs often include cosmological dualism, which posits a fundamental opposition between the material world, seen as the domain of darkness and ignorance, and the spiritual realm of light and knowledge. According to Gnostic cosmology, the material world was created by a lesser or ignorant deity known as the Demiurge, who is often portrayed as an inferior or malevolent being. In contrast, the true divine reality lies beyond this material realm and is accessible only through spiritual enlightenment.

When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the Lord your God.

Deuteronomy 18.9–13

Gnosticism is a sign of humanity’s rebellion and refusal to be reliant on God and it reflects a particular religious perspective that is contrary to the beliefs and practices of orthodox understandings of divine authority and human obedience. From this viewpoint, the emphasis on acquiring secret knowledge and transcending the material world without acknowledging divine sovereignty is a form of spiritual pride and disobedience. (For more discourse on spiritual pride and ego, Eastern religions hold value, particularly Vedanta.)

The passage from the Torah above emphasizes the importance of maintaining love and loyalty to God’s commandments and avoiding practices associated with pagan religions and occultism. True devotion to God requires adherence to His laws and avoidance of idolatry (such as Gnosticism). Gnostic beliefs and practices that diverge from orthodox teachings are incompatible with the faith in God, and the ethical framework outlined in the Old testament.

Gnosticism incorporates elements from various religious traditions, not just Judaism and Christianity. Some Gnostic texts reinterpret biblical stories and characters, presenting alternative perspectives on familiar narratives such as the creation, the fall of humanity, and the nature of salvation. Gnostics often view the God of the the Old Testament as an inferior deity or demiurge responsible for creating the flawed material world.

In relation to Christianity, Gnosticism continued to develop alongside with early Christian communities, particularly during the first few centuries of the Common Era. Gnostic texts often feature reinterpretations of Christian themes and figures, including Jesus Christ, whom Gnostics regard as a “divine revealer of hidden knowledge” rather than a savior who died for the redemption of humanity’s sins.

Gnostic interpretations of Jesus vary widely, with some emphasizing his role as a spiritual teacher or revealer of secret wisdom. The relationship between Gnosticism and secrecy is complex and multifaceted. Gnostic groups embraced secrecy as a means of “safeguarding esoteric knowledge”.

There are no Jewish, Roman, or early Christian texts to support these beliefs. Jesus is portrayed either as the messiah or as a nuisance, but never as ” a spiritual teacher”, so where are they getting this information? Oh, wait…. It is SECRET.

Secrets or Lies?

Within secret and initiation based organizations, rituals play a significant role. The creation of mysticism around the transmission of spiritual teachings, and the promise of enlightenment contribute to their allure. These organizations often employ symbolic rituals, ceremonial practices, and a re-interpretation of hierarchical structures to guide initiates through stages of spiritual development and self-discovery.

Sadly, there is no revelation at higher levels. Nothing ever comes of it, and most individuals, who manage to come back to sanity after diving onto secrets groups leave disappointed. If they are able to leave.

The Greatest Mystery

Now, as far as mystical experiences, and Gods immense power, I have to say that nothing is really MORE mystical that the resurrection of Jesus.

Nothing is MORE mystical than God as Man,.

Yet, THAT particular mystery is REJECTED, and a promise of ANOTHER presumably BETTER mystery, will be revealed in higher levels. Nope, No such thing happens. The let-down is real, and the only discover is usually only that you have been taken for a ride. (And for some, they have also shelled out money. ) It appears to be an elaborate disinformation campaign dating back 2000 years, a desperate attempt to make us believe in ANYTHING at all, but JUST DON’T believe that Jesus is the Son Of God and the Messiah. NOW I AM CURIOUS!

Why So much Shade On Jesus?

Something about a smear campaign always makes me wonder WHY it is so important that we hate THAT person, THAT religion, THAT ideology…

How about you, do you ever want to go down a rabbit hole that has been dug….deliberately… almost as if it was a trap?

This particular deep dive reveals that no historian actually denies the existence of Jesus, or his crucifixion, OR his death on the cross, OR the fact that his disciples saw him AFTER death, for forty days in the flesh and blood. Wow.

Of course, atheist historians do not believe that Jesus resurrected, but they do believe that the disciples believe that they saw him.

Now, THIS is a better mystery to me, than the poverty stricken non-mystery of Gnosticism! Sorry folks of the secret Gnostic knowledge, I tried to buy what you are selling, but no deal. The secrets seem to be mostly lies.

The Spiritual Ego Trip Makes Us Trip

While the idea of secrecy may hold a tremendous allure for some seekers of spiritual wisdom, and CLEALRY it does, just look at the tremendous success of sects and cults that profess deeper knowledge the higher in level you are….. Just look at the success of Scientology in Hollywood, or Freemasonry in politics. Secret information draws people, we love to be privy to information that makes us special.

The allure of a secret boys club that has your back, AND promotes your success, AND holds the “most secretest of all secrets of the mother of all secrets “? -SIGN ME UP screams the ego! Oh, and if you are a Freemason you get to seek for a long lost temple too, and voila, you are just like Indiana Jones.

Hold up.

Genuine spiritual insight is not dependent on exclusive access to hidden knowledge or secret doctrines. No initiation to another level is needed. No money needed. No levels exist. It is all a smokescreen. An elaborate hoax, but WHY? WHY???

The Real Mystery In Plain Sight

The mystery of Christ, transcends human comprehension and invites believers into a deeper relationship with God, through faith, prayer humility, and love. Oh, and The Holy Spirit.

God promises a constant heart to heart intimacy with him, if we only spend a little time with him.

Could it be that the deepest secret is already out in the open, but it requires what we drop that difficult rebellious EGO? It requires us to cultivate the one thing that we don’t want to cultivate, namely HUMILITY? Hmmm…. I wonder.

You Do You Though.

Ultimately, the pursuit of the “deepest spiritual truth” is a personal journey that unfolds only through sincere seeking, genuine self-reflection, and contemplation on God, rather than through the attainment of secret knowledge or esoteric rituals.

Not everything can be intellectualized to dust, and some secrets are held deep in our hearts.

For example: The discovery of the TRUTH of Jesus Christ, his love for us, and his sacrifice for humanity was always right in front of my face, but the REAL meeting of the REAL Christ, that took place within, and boy was it deeply humbling. He touched my heart like no secret information ever could, healed me, broke open my heart, performed spiritual heart surgery that left me whole.

What Of The Smoke Screen then?

The misinformation campaigns, well I see them for what they are now. The devils attempt at taking us away from the love of God, our loving father and creator. (heart emoji to God)

You do you though. When you go down the rabbit holes of smear campaigns against the Bible, the Church, The early church fathers, or The Torah, or Jesus Christ, and what have you, remember this:

Like a still small voice. God is already there, He sees your searching, He already knows you. God already loves you. He is not out there somewhere, he is in your heart, waiting for you to receive him and for you to let him love you. No secrets, no levels, no pretense, and no previous good standing to be initiated into a boys club. Nothing. Just your bare-naked heart, in truth, like a child. You can come as you are, and receive him today.

Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.



Living Wellness Manifest (Dr Anna)
Living Wellness Manifest (Dr Anna)

Written by Living Wellness Manifest (Dr Anna)

Thoughts, discussions and sharing of the universal mysteries of being human here and now

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