Self-Help, Self-Savior Complex or Manifesting a State?


Balancing Manifesting with a Healthy Self-Concept

Before I start this I want to say that there is nothing wrong with self help! Trying to help yourself, and learning how to grow is awesome, I think everyone can use a little a self help in the right amounts! What I am exploring here is when it just doesn’t do any good, or when it becomes a bottomless pit of “healing”, or when the ego takes a too far.

Our minds have this sneaky way of thinking that everything can be analyzed to dust, or that if we just “heal a little bit more’, that everything can be solved by our own almighty minds, (this is basically what we call ego.) The Ego has an agenda of its own, and because of this, self help does not always work.

The Mountain is YOU

Integrating healthy manifesting with a strong self-concept, sometimes involves going on a journey of self-improvement, but there is a delicate balance between self-help, and avoiding the pitfalls of a self-savior complex. Reality creation is so much more than striving for a thing, and it is also more than constantly healing and improving. Self concept is actually readily available right away. Faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains, and sometimes the mountain is ourself.

The Spectrum of Self-Help

Self-help, as a positive and empowering tool, encourages us to introspect, and to grow as a person. It can involve seeking resources, guidance, and strategies to enhance various aspects of life, fostering a proactive approach to well-being. But sometimes it is okay to set the self help books down, and let it be.

Self-Savior Complex

There happens to be a flip side, a sort of self-savior complex, and I see this when the pursuit of self-improvement transforms into an obsession with personal salvation. This mindset can become toxic, and actually lead to a either a sense of superiority, OR an isolation from others (if you need healing it is better to let others in on your healing). It can create a distorted belief in one’s ability to fix every aspect of life alone, it is a sort of a type A personality. The opposite of manifesting happens here, an obsession with “vibration”, and eventually this is repelling, and gives off a wrong vibe.


Manifesting, when used in the “Neville Goddard way”, introduces the power of self concept and assumptions in creating one’s reality. There is no specific emphasis on healing or self love, there is no mention of trying to fix everything single handedly. Self concept is an overall sense of embodying who you want to be, and likewise and assumption is a state of naturalness as the self that you hope to be. It is actually a rather simple process, and it can be done more or less instantly.

Healthy Self-Concept: Integrating Spirituality

Self-concept involves recognizing one’s inherent worth, acknowledging strengths and weaknesses, being totally okay with the fact that you don’t have to be on an endless chase after becoming someone different. It sounds like an oxymoron, but getting what you want means to discover the feeling of already having it BEFORE you have it. Self concept involves discovering the goal INSIDE of you. There is an inevitable change in what we want after we discover this, as if our goals that were previously just out of reach become part of who we are. This can never happen if we are constantly on a self help journey.

Balancing Ambition with a Dose of Humility

The spectrum between manifesting, self-help and the self-savior complex, means that we set down the belief in doership and back away slowly. It means to let go of that feeling that unless we micromanage every step, it won’t go our wat. Assumptions involves trusting, not micromanaging. Finding a healthy balance involves integrating manifesting techniques with a solid self-concept rooted in trust Reality creation assumes that you are good enough AND deserving. Don’t underestimate the power of self concept, and its power to discover the fact that you are whole and deserving right now. I think of it like this: God made me this way, and he thought that I was needed. The reasons for why I think that I need to heal or grow or change might be completely unnecessary. Assume that the feeling you believe you will have “then”, after you “get your manifestation” is available to you now. THIS is manifesting.



Living Wellness Manifest (Dr Anna)
Living Wellness Manifest (Dr Anna)

Written by Living Wellness Manifest (Dr Anna)

Thoughts, discussions and sharing of the universal mysteries of being human here and now

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