The Law Of Assumption & Changing States!

The Law Of Assumption & Changing States!

Our own state of mind is like a pair of glasses through which we see and interact with the world. Some glasses are rose colored, and some glasses are grey and dull. It is possible to put on glasses that make everything seam like a horror movie, or a angst filled Ingmar Bergman with too much silence and internal dialog. The state we are in is actually what determines our thoughts. If you change state the thoughts automatically change too, and the same goes for emotions.

This awareness can make it a LOT easier to get out of a negative thought pattern, and the same goes for emotions.

Put On New Glasses

By shifting our perspective, putting on different glasses, we transform our state and, as a result, we change how we perceive the circumstances that are in front of us, others’ behavior, and we re-interpret what things mean. Think of a time when you had a really bad day, and try to remember how you experienced everything through a lens of hopelessness of victimhood. Now think of a time when you had a really amazing day, and recall how you felt like everything and everyone were positive towards you. This is what it is to shift states. A new state is not logic, it is not intelligence, emotions or even thoughts, but rather, ALL of that comes along automatically from within a state. This is what Neville Goddard means when he talks about our state. It is a state of mind, or an ATTITUDE of mind.

Changing States is EASY

It’s kind of mind-blowing, simple right? We actually have the power to shape our experience by changing our own state. The reason it is like this is because our bodies have theses sensory organs that connect to the Human Operating System Human OS basically) and this makes us only able to experience what the input of our own senses as interpreted by our own Human OS receives at any given moment. Thus we are “in a state”. If I am in a positive state of expecting something good, my Human OS interprets sensory input in my favor.

Changing Your Glasses, Changing Your World:

When we realize that our state of mind is the key to transformation, everything shifts. Instantly and dramatically. Imagine a person who has been to a healing evangelist, how they have healed from a chronic illness in one split second, this is cause by a total shift of state. I have talked to MANY people who have experience miraculous healing, and I have my own miracle stories as well. This seaming miracle is possible because of a total shift in state. This is not something that takes any amount of time, it is instant.

“To move into another state or mansion necessitates a change of beliefs. All that you could ever desire is already present and only waits to be matched by your beliefs. But it must be matched, for that is the necessary condition by which alone it can be activated and objectified. Matching the beliefs of a state is the seeking that finds, the knocking to which it is opened, the asking that receives. Go in and possess the land.”

Neville Goddard

Changing States is The Easy Way and the Most Effective Way

Instead of trying to create change by overthinking, worrying, analyzing, controlling our thoughts, intellectualizing, will powering, or using sheer aggressive force, come to a place or understanding that true transformation is a natural byproduct of a changed state of mind.

How Does Changing States Work?

If we focus on cultivating our own state of consciousness. We can embody qualities like success, health, love, compassion, and understanding, or even just leave room for a possibility of difference a simple “What if?” is often enough to shift out of a state of lack. This what if, can sets off a ripple effect in our interactions. Our changed lens allows us to see a whole new way, a way that was often completely invisible to us just moments prior. This is the power of our free will, and it is the true power that every human posses! This is what “I am God of my reality means.” It means that YOU and you alone can change your state. It is 100% in your control, and the rest of the work, that you were trying to force or will power through, well that becomes totally unnecessary as soon as you change states.

We have the power to change out of the “grey colored glasses” whenever we want.

The Power is in The State

By understanding this distinction, we take back our power, and give ourselves the opportunity to rise above literally everything. We gain an instant chance to get our heads above water. Ultimately, it’s our own state of mind that holds the power of transformation. Free will becomes ours only as we learn to become indifferent to the qualities in ourselves and others that we don’t like.

I have given a new name to this total power of states: “Fulfillment Bias”.

If you can learn how to adopt a fulfilment biased mind you will see your world around you transform.



Living Wellness Manifest (Dr Anna)
Living Wellness Manifest (Dr Anna)

Written by Living Wellness Manifest (Dr Anna)

Thoughts, discussions and sharing of the universal mysteries of being human here and now

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